Chiropractic Specialist

BodyWorks Medical Center
Integrative Medical Clinic located in Carol Stream, IL
Chiropractic medicine specializes in treating musculoskeletal disorders and relieving the pain caused by these problems. The experienced and highly knowledgeable team at BodyWorks Medical Center, in Carol Stream, Illinois, use their skills in physical manipulation and adjustment to restore function and relieve pain. If you’re struggling with joint or muscle pain, call BodyWorks Medical Center today or book an appointment online.
Chiropractic Q & A
What is chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a licensed healthcare profession that employs noninvasive techniques such as manipulation and manual therapy to restore function and relieve pain and inflammation. Although it’s described as a complementary therapy, chiropractic is the primary treatment method for many musculoskeletal conditions.
The manual treatment methods used by chiropractors range from stretching and sustained pressure to specific joint manipulations, which are usually delivered by hand and involve a quick and gentle thrust. The purpose of the manipulations is to improve joint motion and function. Manipulations are most commonly done on the spine, but other parts of the body may also be treated in this way.
Is chiropractic care safe?
Chiropractors undergo extensive training before ever interacting with a patient. They learn about the physiology of the body and practice adjusting techniques. As a result, chiropractic care is widely recognized as a safe and non-invasive therapy. It’s known as an effective drug-free treatment for a wide variety of neuromusculoskeletal complaints and medical conditions. Chiropractors use a wide variety of techniques and adjustments, which are customized to meet the specific needs of each individual patient. Some treatments are more aggressive than others. For example, most patients experience almost immediate relief from pain following an adjustment, although it’s not uncommon for a patient’s muscles to feel stiff or tender as they readjust to being in the correct position. The chiropractic team at BodyWorks Medical Center has been trained in many techniques. Patients will receive safe and effective treatment that provides pain relief and restores joint motion. Many patients prefer this natural approach to healthcare because they don’t want to be reliant on drugs to be pain-free. Others may prefer to work with doctors who want to help them avoid surgery while improving and maintaining physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
When should a patient seek chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care is a safe and effective treatment for many of the painful symptoms people experience in their neck, back, and extremities. If patients experience pain in any part of the body, especially if it stops them from participating in normal day to day activities, chiropractic care may be an excellent treatment choice. Chiropractors take a holistic view of a patient’s health and will not only provide adjustments to address structural misalignments, but also provide advice on exercise, diet, sleep and other factors that can contribute to a patient’s overall wellness.